Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs!

As a tradition, we always dye Easter eggs the night before Easter.  
This year I thought it would be fun to get different dyes, so I bought the Golden Egg kit, and the Tie Dye kit. 
 I forget sometimes that Austin doesn't exactly agree with changes to traditions and he was not happy about this, so I ended up digging in my cupboard for some food coloring so we could do the traditional eggs as well.
Shailyn and Kaysie on the other hand were both happy to try out all of the dyes!

All the eggs turned out great, however these brilliant kits I bought were more time consuming than I anticipated.  You had to use a paint brush for the golden eggs, and the tie dye kit you had to mix each egg  individually in a little bag.  I think next year I will stick with the plain old egg dye but it was worth a shot.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Autism Gala

Every year Austin's school puts together an Autism Gala during the month of April for Autism Awareness.  The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students all came together to read poetry.  I was impressed with the job Austin did, way to go Austin!  
They also do a big auction for all kinds of  things that have been donated to help raise money for the school.  This year most of the classes also did art projects to sale at the auction.  
Austin drew this road runner!  It literally brought tears to my eyes just to see how far his fine motor skills have come since he started attending the Spectrum Academy.  I can't thank them enough for all they have done to help Austin!

Update on Shailyn

Well, today I took Shailyn into an Orthopedic specialist for her knee.  No broken bones, but there is the possiblity of ligament or cartlidge damage - not good, this could mean knee surgery.  The doctor is leaning more towards cartlidge damage as ligament damage is not very common in children.  The swelling is still so bad they can't do the proper exams so they are having us come back again in 2 weeks.  Hopefully all goes well.