Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fifths Disease

This Morning we woke up as usual, and just as I am getting out of the shower Kaysie starts complaining she doesn't feel well. (Let me just add this is not unusual for her). I tell her to get ready for school, and if she is not feeling better by lunchtime to call me. She went and got dressed and was looking for the hairbrush when I noticed her cheeks were flaming red! I felt her forehead and cheeks, she wasn't warm - how odd I thought! So I asked her what didn't feel good, and she said her ear felt like it was going to blow up, and her neck hurts. I felt horrible! Here I am thinking she is playing the sick card, and she really does feel horrible! I called into work and made her a doctor’s appointment. When we got to the doctors office, they tell me she doesn't have an appointment (Hello, I just talked to them this morning!) They were able to see her right away because the next appointment was late (in all honesty I think that was her appointment and they put the wrong child in the timeslot). The doctor came in and ran a strep test, looked in her ears, and all the other basic tests they do at each appointment... Then the doctor tells me she has Fifths Disease - Wow, that sounds serious I thought - Well the doctor reassured me most kids get this and parents just don't notice because it looks like a sunburn, it is contagious before the rash shows up, but not now. And then her ear... Her tube is swollen but not infected (How does this happen? I was so worried about the word disease I didn't think to ask) so the only thing we can do is give her ibuprofen and eardrops. Poor Kaysie! I hope she is feeling better soon!

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