Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day started out great!  Tim made the coffee, and he and the girls cooked up some turkey bacon and eggs!  He and the kids bought me a bonsai tree that is as many years old as I have been a Mom! (14 years, I really can't believe it!)  I was able to relax and enjoy the kids company this morning before we headed out to Tim's Moms.  After we were done visiting we headed to my Mom's for a barbecue and our first annual family baseball game.  That is when things got eventful... During our baseball game, Austin ran from third to home but got out so he was attempting to run back to third base thinking he would be safe.  However Kaysie had already made it to third and when Austin got there he toppled right on top of her, Tim ran over to make sure she was okay and she looked up and said "Dad, I just broke my arm."  Well, Tim usually over reacts and assumes any injury needs medical attention, I wasn't aware of what Kaysie had told him so when he offered to take her to InstaCare I just said okay (not to mention, I really thought he was over reacting to the whole situation) so Austin, Shailyn and I waited at my parents for the phone to ring and when it finally did it was bad news.  Kaysie broke both her bones in her right arm, and not only were they broke but we needed to take her to Primary Children's to see an Orthopedic specialist to have her bone correctly set back into place.  I told Tim I would take her, so he brought me the Suburban and Kaysie and off we went.  Once we arrived, we had to go through the ER.  It was one of the most traumatizing doctor visits I can remember... Once they reviewed the X-rays, they gave Kaysie an I.V. so they could administer the sedation.  (Kaysie is absolutely horrified of needles, so this was not a fun process!) Then, they brought in a mobile X-ray machine, an orthopedic specialist, a respiratory specialist, the doctor and the nurse; then they gave Kaysie what they call a conscious sedation.  It was horrible!  The sedation was very mild but it had a memory blocker in it, so she could feel everything she just can't remember it!  I sat there and watched as my poor baby girl was screaming through all of the pain of having her arm set correctly in place, it was pure torture to have to witness that!  She was sedated about 20 - 30 minutes and when she came to sure enough she couldn't remember any of it (Thank Heavens!).  The nurse then offered her a variety of sugary drinks, and poor Kaysie looked at the nurse and told her she couldn't have any of those  because she is choosing a healthy lifestyle... The nurse was perplexed but explained she needed some sugar in her after being sedated so Kaysie was able to enjoy a cherry slushee.  After she finished that they brought her back in for more X-rays, and everything looked great!   Now we just have 8 weeks in a cast to look forward to, and then we can put another memorable holiday behind us.

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