Over the past two years I somehow feel like I have lost myself. It all started 9/11/09 - I got laid off from my job of 7 years, 01/2010 - Found a new job, 04/2010 - Laid off from new job, 05/2010 - Shailyn had her accident and that changed everything. I spent the summer of 2010 being a full time nurse / Mom, on shift 24 hours a day and running to various specialists, in September 2010 the kids went back to school, Shailyn still had 2-3 doctor appointments a week and so I was still busy the majority of the time. January 2011 - I wasn't needed as much as I was before, and I believe that is when I started feeling lost. June 2011 the kids were out of school and I was needed once again. Now the kids are back in school, Shailyn is well on her way with recovery (Yes, we still have many appointments but they are more like check-ups now - just to make sure things are going the way they are supposed to.) and I feel lost! I don't know what to do with myself half the time and don't feel needed as I once did. The kids can all take care of themselves, I know my presence is needed but they don't need help with anything other than homework these days! I guess I am at a turning point, and need to choose a direction to go. I just hope I can find that direction soon because I feel so lost right now!
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