Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair Cuts!

Finally, Something normal to post about!

Kaysie cut about 7" off of her hair! 

She looks so cute with her new do!

Shailyn's hematoma she had on the back of her head has finally healed enough to get her hair done!  She just wanted a trim, but she still looks adorable!

Thanks Jessica for always doing such a great job!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Look Who's Swimming! :D

Shailyn has been cleared to walk and swim!  She is so excited to be mobile again!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today we got the results of the MRI on Shailyn's knee... Good news!  Nothing needs surgery! 

Her bones are bruised up pretty bad, which will take 6-12 months to heal...  All of the white parts on the above picture are bruising, I have no idea how she didn't break her leg, but am grateful she didn't. 

They also found a lesion on her bone, which according to them "is not cancerous".  At this point and time I can't even imagine getting the worse case scenario on that one!   

Kaysie Finally gets her cast off!

After spending the first 2 months of summer in a cast, she finally got it off today!  She was so excited for the appointment, but then we found out her bone was not healed all the way through.  Fortunately for her she will be able to use a splint for the next three weeks while the healing finishes. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Another week down

As of yesterday 4 weeks have passed since the accident.  Shailyn is doing quite well all things considered.  She is now eating soft foods and we get her up for 10 minutes every hour and have her walk around so she doesn't lose her strength.  Her fractured hip, ribs, and pelvis seem to be healing pretty well, she does favor her left side as she walks but other than that she is doing great!  Tomorrow we have an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon to check on how her jaw and chin are doing, I am a little frightened because yesterday Shailyn informed me she could taste metal in her mouth and I can see one of the plates through her gums.  Hopefully her gums will grow over it, but I am scared that may not be the case. 
Her headaches are getting better, we went to the concussion center and they gave her some medicine to help with her migraines.  She no longer has a sensitivity to light which has been so nice!  I can tell overall she is feeling better because she is more argumentative and doesn't want to be stuck in bed anymore.  (And who can blame her, so far she has been great with minimal complaints!)

How do you thank people that have given you more than you could have dreamed of asking for?

Today I received a surprise visit from a couple of the Taylorsville Cheerleaders. They did a fundraiser for Shailyn and completely shocked me when they stopped by! I don't know how to even begin to thank them  for what they have done for us! Last week I was looking at our bank account and didn't know how we were going to buy groceries for the remainder of the month, it is such a relief to know that I don't have to worry about that anymore! Thank you for everything!

Last weekend Tim's sister Danna put together an amazing fundraiser for us.  She called all different places and got all kinds of donations.  Then she put together packages for a silent auction. I can't imagine the effort that went into this, and we appreciate it so much!  I don't know how to thank everyone that came out and supported us, thank you just doesn't seem sufficient! 
I find it hard being where we are at, I am not the type of person that likes asking for help, I would much rather be the one giving it.  Everyone has been so supportive and generous.  Thank you all for EVERYTHING!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Surgery Number Two

  We had to be to the hospital at 6:00 AM which in itself was a huge chore because Shailyn is about the farthest thing from an early bird you can find. (as you can tell from her before picture) We got to the hospital, checked in and waited until 7:30 for her surgery to begin.  The procedure today was rather simple, they were taking the arch bars out of Shailyn's mouth and removing all of the wiring (YAY!!!).  Things went well and Shailyn's mouth can open again!
  She was in recovery for about an hour and gave the poor nurse a hard time about taking her pain medication (she really hates it!), the nurse of course won because Shailyn had an IV so it wasn't like the fights we have at home trying to get her to take her medication.  After about an hour Shailyn had consumed 4 oz of apple juice and they released us.  Shailyn asked if we would take her to the cafeteria which I thought was a bad idea (I didn't want the anesthesia to make her sick) but the tears came and I gave in.  When we got to the cafeteria Shailyn's eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning, she looked around at all the food and decided she wanted a pancake, a Reese's peanut butter cup, and a Coke in a bottle.  On our way home we picked up Kaysie from Tammi's house and she was so excited to see Shailyn's wires off!  After we got home Austin called and told me "Mom, make sure you feed her ice cream, and leave it on the counter so it is soft and she can eat it" as well as "She really likes chili with sour cream Mom, so make sure you cook her some of that too".  He is such a great big brother and worries about his sister constantly.   I couldn't ask for better kids, although at times I think they test me to the end of my patience, it is times like this that make me realize just how lucky I am for having them!
I caught her yawning!  So glad to see her open her mouth!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I wasn't ready to see this

Today I found a picture of where Shailyn was rescued from on Mt. Timpanogas...
I can't even explain the emotions that hit me when I saw this, I still have a hard time believing this is my daughter!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Crazy Day!

Today started out with Shailyn wanting to eat everything under the sun!  She wanted Bean and bacon soup for breakfast and Tim ended up spraying her in it!  We ended up with an early shower then her appetite grew... We had Pediasure, Bean and Bacon soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, Uncle Bryon's famous cream of broccoli soup, a smoothie, a milkshake, and some apple juice.  By the time I had fixed all of that and helped her eat it (It hurts her ear to suck through a straw) it was already 1:00, so I jumped in the shower and Shailyn was looking forward to going to pick her sister up from school at 2:55.  However, our plans changed drastically when she told me she had stomach cramps...  I called her pediatrician and she told me to head straight to the ER so off we went.

After about 3 hours Shailyn was bored out of her mind and placed gloves on her feet while wheeling around the room, she definitely kept me entertained!  Then they came in and did a blood draw, Shailyn requested they poke her fingers because she hates the big needles, to my surprise they did!  Luckily it only took 2 finger pokes to get all they needed. 
Thankfully Shailyn is easily entertained and the bandaids seemed to peek her interest.

Then she showed off her splint and wiring.  I was very entertained by her as you can tell!
We then got the results of all the tests ran and her spleen and pancreas both looked okay, her red blood cell count is still below normal but they said that is normal with her spleen laceration. 
The poor thing was starving by the time we got to leave so we stopped by the cafeteria and grabbed her some ice cream (that was about the only option other than drinks that she could have!)  On our way home Tim called to let me know the ER doctor had just called the house to say they forgot to test her appendix (We were there for 5 hours! how could they forget to run a test?) So if her pain continues we need to take her back in to have that test ran.  So frustrating but I am glad that her spleen seems to be healing okay!