Friday, June 18, 2010

Another week down

As of yesterday 4 weeks have passed since the accident.  Shailyn is doing quite well all things considered.  She is now eating soft foods and we get her up for 10 minutes every hour and have her walk around so she doesn't lose her strength.  Her fractured hip, ribs, and pelvis seem to be healing pretty well, she does favor her left side as she walks but other than that she is doing great!  Tomorrow we have an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon to check on how her jaw and chin are doing, I am a little frightened because yesterday Shailyn informed me she could taste metal in her mouth and I can see one of the plates through her gums.  Hopefully her gums will grow over it, but I am scared that may not be the case. 
Her headaches are getting better, we went to the concussion center and they gave her some medicine to help with her migraines.  She no longer has a sensitivity to light which has been so nice!  I can tell overall she is feeling better because she is more argumentative and doesn't want to be stuck in bed anymore.  (And who can blame her, so far she has been great with minimal complaints!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear recuperation seems to being going well! I am overwhelmed by reading your blog and everything you have endured recently. You are one strong woman!! Kudos to you for doing so well under so much pressure! I'm glad things are starting to get back to normal for you guy's!
