Monday, June 7, 2010

Surgery Number Two

  We had to be to the hospital at 6:00 AM which in itself was a huge chore because Shailyn is about the farthest thing from an early bird you can find. (as you can tell from her before picture) We got to the hospital, checked in and waited until 7:30 for her surgery to begin.  The procedure today was rather simple, they were taking the arch bars out of Shailyn's mouth and removing all of the wiring (YAY!!!).  Things went well and Shailyn's mouth can open again!
  She was in recovery for about an hour and gave the poor nurse a hard time about taking her pain medication (she really hates it!), the nurse of course won because Shailyn had an IV so it wasn't like the fights we have at home trying to get her to take her medication.  After about an hour Shailyn had consumed 4 oz of apple juice and they released us.  Shailyn asked if we would take her to the cafeteria which I thought was a bad idea (I didn't want the anesthesia to make her sick) but the tears came and I gave in.  When we got to the cafeteria Shailyn's eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning, she looked around at all the food and decided she wanted a pancake, a Reese's peanut butter cup, and a Coke in a bottle.  On our way home we picked up Kaysie from Tammi's house and she was so excited to see Shailyn's wires off!  After we got home Austin called and told me "Mom, make sure you feed her ice cream, and leave it on the counter so it is soft and she can eat it" as well as "She really likes chili with sour cream Mom, so make sure you cook her some of that too".  He is such a great big brother and worries about his sister constantly.   I couldn't ask for better kids, although at times I think they test me to the end of my patience, it is times like this that make me realize just how lucky I am for having them!
I caught her yawning!  So glad to see her open her mouth!

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