Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair Cuts!

Finally, Something normal to post about!

Kaysie cut about 7" off of her hair! 

She looks so cute with her new do!

Shailyn's hematoma she had on the back of her head has finally healed enough to get her hair done!  She just wanted a trim, but she still looks adorable!

Thanks Jessica for always doing such a great job!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Look Who's Swimming! :D

Shailyn has been cleared to walk and swim!  She is so excited to be mobile again!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today we got the results of the MRI on Shailyn's knee... Good news!  Nothing needs surgery! 

Her bones are bruised up pretty bad, which will take 6-12 months to heal...  All of the white parts on the above picture are bruising, I have no idea how she didn't break her leg, but am grateful she didn't. 

They also found a lesion on her bone, which according to them "is not cancerous".  At this point and time I can't even imagine getting the worse case scenario on that one!   

Kaysie Finally gets her cast off!

After spending the first 2 months of summer in a cast, she finally got it off today!  She was so excited for the appointment, but then we found out her bone was not healed all the way through.  Fortunately for her she will be able to use a splint for the next three weeks while the healing finishes. 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Another week down

As of yesterday 4 weeks have passed since the accident.  Shailyn is doing quite well all things considered.  She is now eating soft foods and we get her up for 10 minutes every hour and have her walk around so she doesn't lose her strength.  Her fractured hip, ribs, and pelvis seem to be healing pretty well, she does favor her left side as she walks but other than that she is doing great!  Tomorrow we have an appointment with the Plastic Surgeon to check on how her jaw and chin are doing, I am a little frightened because yesterday Shailyn informed me she could taste metal in her mouth and I can see one of the plates through her gums.  Hopefully her gums will grow over it, but I am scared that may not be the case. 
Her headaches are getting better, we went to the concussion center and they gave her some medicine to help with her migraines.  She no longer has a sensitivity to light which has been so nice!  I can tell overall she is feeling better because she is more argumentative and doesn't want to be stuck in bed anymore.  (And who can blame her, so far she has been great with minimal complaints!)

How do you thank people that have given you more than you could have dreamed of asking for?

Today I received a surprise visit from a couple of the Taylorsville Cheerleaders. They did a fundraiser for Shailyn and completely shocked me when they stopped by! I don't know how to even begin to thank them  for what they have done for us! Last week I was looking at our bank account and didn't know how we were going to buy groceries for the remainder of the month, it is such a relief to know that I don't have to worry about that anymore! Thank you for everything!

Last weekend Tim's sister Danna put together an amazing fundraiser for us.  She called all different places and got all kinds of donations.  Then she put together packages for a silent auction. I can't imagine the effort that went into this, and we appreciate it so much!  I don't know how to thank everyone that came out and supported us, thank you just doesn't seem sufficient! 
I find it hard being where we are at, I am not the type of person that likes asking for help, I would much rather be the one giving it.  Everyone has been so supportive and generous.  Thank you all for EVERYTHING!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Surgery Number Two

  We had to be to the hospital at 6:00 AM which in itself was a huge chore because Shailyn is about the farthest thing from an early bird you can find. (as you can tell from her before picture) We got to the hospital, checked in and waited until 7:30 for her surgery to begin.  The procedure today was rather simple, they were taking the arch bars out of Shailyn's mouth and removing all of the wiring (YAY!!!).  Things went well and Shailyn's mouth can open again!
  She was in recovery for about an hour and gave the poor nurse a hard time about taking her pain medication (she really hates it!), the nurse of course won because Shailyn had an IV so it wasn't like the fights we have at home trying to get her to take her medication.  After about an hour Shailyn had consumed 4 oz of apple juice and they released us.  Shailyn asked if we would take her to the cafeteria which I thought was a bad idea (I didn't want the anesthesia to make her sick) but the tears came and I gave in.  When we got to the cafeteria Shailyn's eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning, she looked around at all the food and decided she wanted a pancake, a Reese's peanut butter cup, and a Coke in a bottle.  On our way home we picked up Kaysie from Tammi's house and she was so excited to see Shailyn's wires off!  After we got home Austin called and told me "Mom, make sure you feed her ice cream, and leave it on the counter so it is soft and she can eat it" as well as "She really likes chili with sour cream Mom, so make sure you cook her some of that too".  He is such a great big brother and worries about his sister constantly.   I couldn't ask for better kids, although at times I think they test me to the end of my patience, it is times like this that make me realize just how lucky I am for having them!
I caught her yawning!  So glad to see her open her mouth!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I wasn't ready to see this

Today I found a picture of where Shailyn was rescued from on Mt. Timpanogas...
I can't even explain the emotions that hit me when I saw this, I still have a hard time believing this is my daughter!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Crazy Day!

Today started out with Shailyn wanting to eat everything under the sun!  She wanted Bean and bacon soup for breakfast and Tim ended up spraying her in it!  We ended up with an early shower then her appetite grew... We had Pediasure, Bean and Bacon soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, Uncle Bryon's famous cream of broccoli soup, a smoothie, a milkshake, and some apple juice.  By the time I had fixed all of that and helped her eat it (It hurts her ear to suck through a straw) it was already 1:00, so I jumped in the shower and Shailyn was looking forward to going to pick her sister up from school at 2:55.  However, our plans changed drastically when she told me she had stomach cramps...  I called her pediatrician and she told me to head straight to the ER so off we went.

After about 3 hours Shailyn was bored out of her mind and placed gloves on her feet while wheeling around the room, she definitely kept me entertained!  Then they came in and did a blood draw, Shailyn requested they poke her fingers because she hates the big needles, to my surprise they did!  Luckily it only took 2 finger pokes to get all they needed. 
Thankfully Shailyn is easily entertained and the bandaids seemed to peek her interest.

Then she showed off her splint and wiring.  I was very entertained by her as you can tell!
We then got the results of all the tests ran and her spleen and pancreas both looked okay, her red blood cell count is still below normal but they said that is normal with her spleen laceration. 
The poor thing was starving by the time we got to leave so we stopped by the cafeteria and grabbed her some ice cream (that was about the only option other than drinks that she could have!)  On our way home Tim called to let me know the ER doctor had just called the house to say they forgot to test her appendix (We were there for 5 hours! how could they forget to run a test?) So if her pain continues we need to take her back in to have that test ran.  So frustrating but I am glad that her spleen seems to be healing okay! 

Monday, May 31, 2010

Life at Home

Life at home has definitely been different than I expected.  Shailyn requires 24 hour care, she can't get up by herself, eat, drink, or get to the bathroom.  Since we have been home Tim has been taking the night shift and sleeping on the couch next to her to make sure if she needs something we are there.  Last night was the first night she slept through the night, which is really nice other than both of us got up a couple of times to check on her.  We have to feed her all meals and drinks through a syringe, which takes up a lot of our time.  The first day home it took about 10 minutes to feed her 2 ounces, now we are down to about 5 minutes but when you consider she needs to be taking in 56 ounces of fluid a day it takes up a lot of time!  She also had a rough morning today and broke down in tears because she just wants to eat (and I can't blame her!), we are trying to be as accommodating as we can but after blending up 3 different soups, making instant breakfasts, chocolate milk, sodas, water, milk, apple juice, and Pediasure by the end of the day I am so exhausted.  It is like having 3 full time jobs.  She is doing really well considering all that she has been through, even with a broken pelvis and hip she is able to move fairly well and enjoys being in her wheelchair.  Today we even went to my Mom's for a couple hours and let the other two swim and enjoyed a barbecue.  She only lasted about 30 minutes outside and then we took her in to lay down, it was so nice for her to be able to visit her cousins and get out of the house for a while.  Kyra and Brooklyn were both so cute with her, they got her anything she asked for!  I don't know how we would do this without the support of our family, just knowing they are there makes a huge difference!  Tim's Mom and Dad have visited almost everyday and both of our parents have done shopping for us.  Shailyn gets her splint removed and mouth unwired a week from today and we can't wait!  Thank you everyone for everything you have done for us, we truly appreciate it!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Feeding time...

Since Shailyn's jaw is wired shut, we are currently feeding her through a syringe with IV tubing attached.  Today she wanted pancakes... So I cooked up some pancakes, put them in the blender with some half and half, butter and syrup, put them in her syringe and I started feeding her.  Well apparently the pancakes were a little too thick for the IV tubing.  The IV tubing popped off the syringe and went all over Shailyn and her bed.  We had a good laugh before I had to give her a shower, thankfully our friend Fran and her family had brought over a shower chair about 30 minutes before this happened. 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 10

Finally Smiling again!
Her bruises are healing up nicely!
Getting Stitches out
Finally, her own bed to sleep in.  Maybe now she will start feeling better!

Day 9

Today was a very different day for me, we woke up a little before 6 AM and Shailyn wanted to get out of bed to use the bathroom.  As tired as I was I was still excited she actually felt good enough to get up!  From there I tried to get her to eat or drink something, and of course I failed.  Tim came up at 9:30 after dropping off Kaysie and Austin to school.  We spent the morning just the three of us, we talked to the social worker about getting some counseling for Shailyn as she is struggling with getting hurt - getting somewhat better - than going in for surgery and feeling horrible all over again.  After the social worker left I headed home and left the hospital for the first time, I had to get our mortgage payment overnighted today or it would have been late.  I headed home a little after noon and got there just in time to see kids walking home from Kaysie's school.  Luckily I pulled in just in time for Kaysie to call and tell me today was short day.  My mind has been so consumed with everything else I forgot all about Memorial weekend and her school schedule, I am just very grateful I got there when I did!  While I was home Tim was able to get Shailyn to eat some chicken noodle soup and drink some chocolate milk!  After I showered Kaysie and I went to Austin's school and the three of us headed back up to the hospital. 
It was great, they have a room here on the 3rd floor that has crafts, video games, and toys for kids who feel up to playing so we headed down there for about a half hour and enjoyed playing together. 
Shailyn felt like she needed to lie down so Tim took her back to the room while Austin and Kaysie finished up there projects.  Afterwards I took them down to the cafeteria and we came up to Shailyn's room to enjoy dinner together.  It is so hard having our family split up, hopefully we can come home tomorrow.  Shailyn has consumed enough liquids today to clear her for going home, however she is refusing any narcotic pain medication other than morphine because she is afraid of getting sick with her mouth wired shut.  She has been taking Tylenol regularly and that seems to take the edge off for about 3 hours, and since she can only take it every four hours we end up with one miserable hour in between doses.  Hopefully when the doctor comes to visit in the morning he will clear us to go home.  This surgery has been harder on all of us because we had the expectation of leaving the day after.  Hopefully her jaw will stop hurting so badly and she can function as much as possible as one can on bed rest.  I hate to watch her in pain, I wish I could go through this for her!  Bless her little heart she is so tough, Love you Shailyn and we hope you feel better soon! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 8 - Continued

Well, the afternoon was slightly better than this morning, Shailyn was able to sit up long enough to paint while her Dad and Kaysie were here.  Kaysie brought her a cream soda and she drank 83 ml (not quite 3 oz) of that which is the most she has drank at one time.  We haven't been able to get many things down her today so she is still on her IV.  We have been able to reduce her morphine and giver her some Tylenol to increase the amount of time between morphine doses.  We don't dare give her Lortab yet because we don't need her to throw up and have to cut the wires holding her jaw closed.  I am hoping tomorrow we can get her to eat / drink anything!  I can't imagine how hungry she is... everything sounds good but it hurts to try and eat, even through the syringe. The good news of the day is we were able to get her off her oxygen so that is one less thing we need to worry about before she can go home. 
She has been through so much, I admire her strength! 

Lunch - Chicken nuggets through a syringe...
No wonder I can't get any food down her, just looking at them made my stomach turn!

Day 8

Well today has been interesting to say the least.  As of Noon today Shailyn has consumed 6 oz and 1/2 tsp. of fluids... Not looking good.  She is also very miserable today, which has made her so ornery!  She has kicked me out of the room 3 different times, the only thing she can say clearly enough for me to understand right now is "GET OUT!" and she says it with all her energy.  Poor thing, I wish she wasn't so miserable! I also wish I wasn't the one who she decided to take it out on but I guess I am the only option right now.  I really hope she can start "eating" soon (through a syringe) she is hungry but her stomach still feels nauseated despite the medications they are giving her to prevent it.  Hopefully we can get something in her this afternoon so we can switch her pain medication and maybe just maybe that will help her stomach. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 7 - Surgery

This morning we were up at 6:00 getting Shailyn ready for her surgery, she couldn't have any medications after 6:30 so we had to get up and make sure she got what she needed.  After getting her ready, I helped Kaysie and Austin prepare for the day, enjoyed my last morning at home and then we were off to the hospital.  We had to be to the hospital by 8:00 to check-in for surgery so my intention was to leave at 7:15.  It was a good thing I was planning to leave early!  Do you know how much more time it takes to get your daughter in the car when you need to get her there in a wheelchair and on crutches?  Well for me it was an additional 10 minutes, but we were still okay until Shailyn got sick on the way to the hospital!  Not a good way to start out a stressful day!
The Surgery:
After we got checked in we met with the Plastic Surgeon, Dentist, Anesthesiologist, and 2 nurses she was ready for surgery.  The procedure ended up starting 25 minutes later than scheduled, mainly because I had a billion questions.  Her surgery consisted of realigning her jaw and putting two titanium plates in her chin.  Then they had to call in a dentist to make some splints because she knocked 3 of her teeth loose on the fall so he had to make some splints so they could wire her mouth shut.  After 3 very long hours she was finally done!  Everything went well during surgery, and I practically ran to the recovery room because I was so nervous. 


She is so swollen!  We were in recovery for about 20 minutes until they brought us up to our room.  She has been very tired today, I am sure it is from the anesthesia.  Then she gave me another great scare, she had to use the bathroom so we managed to get her out of bed and into her wheelchair, from there we headed to the restroom.  She was still sort of out of it, although this was a few hours after surgery, so she was kind of wobbly trying to sit up.  Then she told me she had to throw up, it was a nightmare!  I didn't know what to do and couldn't reach the nurse call button so I was in the room screaming for help trying to hold her steady on the toilet while hoping she didn't throw up because her mouth is wired shut!  It turned out okay, she had dry heaved a few times but nothing ever came up, a nurse or tech came running in here to help me and took over because I was freaked out.   She hasn't been able to drink much tonight, she has had less than 4 oz of fluid since surgery so she is still on morphine and can't start her other meds until she has something in her stomach.  As of right now it looks like we will have at least one more night in the hospital, but that is subject to change.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 5

Today we were released from the hospital.  What an experience that was!  The doctor that released us made me feel horrible.  She wanted to put Shailyn back on the antibiotic that she is allergic to, and when I refused she got an attitude.  I told her I would be fine with that if we could stay in the hospital but she told me that was an unreasonable request.  I told her I was concerned about taking her home without oxygen as she has had it every night we have been at the hospital, her response was I was over reacting... So frustrating! I realize that she deals with these cases every day, but I don't; and once is enough for me!  Turns out, she did think my concerns were at least somewhat valid because she ordered a chest x-ray to verify there was no fluid in Shailyn's lungs.  The results: no fluid but she has 3 fractured ribs on her left side.  She also wrote on the discharge paperwork that Shailyn has an allergy to the Clindamycin.

Being home tonight has been nice but also stressful, Shailyn is doing well but is on bedrest and in a wheel chair.  She is only allowed to pivot on her left foot long enough to get from bed to the wheel chair.  We go back in a week to the Orthopedic specialty center to check on her hip, pelvis, ribs, back, and any possible sprains.  Because she is bruised so bad from the fall and on bedrest they are not too worried about the sprains.  Hopefully when she is able to put more weight on her legs we will find out more about her back.  She is currently on 8 different medications and they each have their own dosing schedule... After the second medication I decided I need to keep some type of medicine journal to remember when I give her what!  It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in doctor's offices for the next several months, we have follow up appointments with everyone we saw at the hospital and her pediatrician.

Kaysie was so excited we were home and she wanted a little extra Mom time which I didn't mind except Shailyn needs me too right now, so the bottom line is - this is going to be a very hard adjustment on all of us and Kaysie is still in her cast which means she needs extra help too.  Hopefully I can figure all of this out but as for now - It's late and I am beat, I haven't had more than 2-3 hours sleep at a time over the past several days and haven't slept more than 4-5 hours a night.  I will try to get some pictures up tomorrow, Tim is waking up with Shailyn tonight so I can finally get a full nights rest, so as for now I am calling it a night!

Day 4

Today started out really well, Shailyn was actually smiling!  Because she was doing so well when the doctor came in she authorized us to go home later this evening; however this afternoon Shailyn developed a rash which we are assuming is an allergic reaction to something - we just don't know what.  She got to get in the shower today for the first time mainly because I requested they show me how to bathe her with all her wounds.  She is not able to wash the top of her head until the gash that was missed in ER is healed.  My Mom and Dad came and spent most of the day with us, and brought me La Hacienda for lunch!!  It was so yummy, but I didn't get too much time to enjoy it because today has been pretty hectic. Natalie, and Todd brought Kaysie with them and then Tammi, Anika and Kyra came to visit.    Shailyn's friends came to visit us again today, it is really good for her to have a reference back to life at home! 

We spent the morning preparing to go home, the doctor's came in and informed me what to look out for... Wow, I am so terrified to take her home now!  Her spleen injury can be reinjured at anytime but especially during the first year, if anyone bumps her in the area it could cause her laceration to reopen and we could start all over from square one.  She does have a mild traumatic brain injury so there is a list of things to look out for in the future mainly relating to memory.  We were also told her veins are very weak in that area and if she strains too hard she could break a vessel which could cause a stroke.  And lastly the nutritionist came to meet with us, she will be on a liquid diet for the next 4 weeks... 

Then this rash came, she is itchy all over and it keeps spreading.  The doctor came in tonight and we are taking her off Clindamycin and trying a different antibiotic.  Now we can add Benadryl and hydrocortisone to her growing list of medications.  I really hope this will help, she has been so miserable and itchy this afternoon and tonight, I feel terrible because there is nothing I can do!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shailyn Day 3

Today I talked to the Sargeant who was at the scene of search and rescue.  I finally got the details of how she fell.  She was talking to two friends on her way down the trail, she lost her footing at a turn in the trail and plunged vertically about 20 feet, she grabbed onto a branch that was about 1/2" in diameter but the branch broke and she tumbled / cartwheeled approximately another 85 feet. 

Shailyn's teacher, Mrs. Laver came to visit today, she let us know that Shailyn was only alone for about 15 minutes after her fall, she was conscious when one of the parent volunteers reached her.  The first thing she wanted to know was where her shoes were.

Today Shailyn started Physical Therapy and she is one tough kid!  She has a broken right hip and sprained left ankle which doesn't make it very easy for her to move.  She is able to put weight on her left leg long enough to pivot into a wheelchair this is great news as now she can get out of bed.  We took her on a tour of the Neuroscience Trauma Unit where we are staying and then down to the gift shop to get some nail clippers.  Chelsey came and gave her a manicure and pedicure, Shailyn really enjoys having pretty fingers and toes to look at.  Once we got back to the room we attempted to brush her hair, that was not an easy task as she has a hematoma and a couple good size scrapes on her head.  We got about 3/4 of the way through and she was done... Hopefully we can finish that job tomorrow so we won't have to get a new hairstyle.  They also had her attempt crutches but her body is a little too beat up for that right now, her left shoulder and elbow are extremely sore so holding her weight was not easy, she did accomplish about 10' to show the nurse she is an "experienced  crutcher".

Kaysie came up to the hospital with Chelsey and spent the majority of the day with us.  It was so nice to be able to spend some time with her, I miss her and Austin so much!  Today she put more tears in my eyes when she told me she just wants to have our family back together and in one piece.  I know how hard this has been for me, and can only imagine what it must be like for her and Austin.  Thank you Kaysie for supporting your sister!  We hope to be back together soon!

We had many visitors again today, I am so grateful for everything everyone is doing for us to make things as easy as possible on us, I don't know what we would do without all of you! 

Love to all, and thanks again for all of your support!

Shailyn cont.

This picture for some reason did not load yesterday, this is her left hip.


Yesterday was absolutely the most terrifying day of my life.  I received a call from one of Shailyn's teachers, Mrs. Miller to let me know Shailyn had fallen on her field trip at Mt. Timpanogas the ambulance had been called, but she was conscious and alert.  The nearest hospital was American Fork Hospital so I jumped in the car and headed south, Then I received call number 2... She was being life flighted to Primary Children's Hospital, my body started shaking and I honestly think I went into shock.  When I arrived at the hospital, they weren't aware Shailyn was coming, search and rescue was still working on getting her off the mountain.  We waited forever (they say it was about an hour) before she arrived, once she got here they wouldn't let us see her until the trauma team analyzed her.  FINALLY we were able to see her, and found out she had fallen between 65-80 feet down the mountain. 

As of tonight the internal bleeding on her spleen has stopped. She will be having jaw surgery on Tuesday for her broken TMJ joint and chin. She has fractured her pelvic bone and her right hip, she has a hematoma on her head, had to have 12 stiches in her knee and possibly sprained her left ankle and elbow. Her back and neck are not broken but she does have some disks that are compressed. We don't know what effect this will have on her until she can get out of bed. She has a lot of cuts and bruises but she is going to be okay. With the bleeding stopped they have allowed her to have some clear fluids, if things continue to improve she will be moved to a full liquid diet tomorrow, and she is really looking forward to a milkshake for breakfast! We will know more about her fractures tomorrow when the Physical Therapist comes and allows her to try standing for the first time since the accident.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day started out great!  Tim made the coffee, and he and the girls cooked up some turkey bacon and eggs!  He and the kids bought me a bonsai tree that is as many years old as I have been a Mom! (14 years, I really can't believe it!)  I was able to relax and enjoy the kids company this morning before we headed out to Tim's Moms.  After we were done visiting we headed to my Mom's for a barbecue and our first annual family baseball game.  That is when things got eventful... During our baseball game, Austin ran from third to home but got out so he was attempting to run back to third base thinking he would be safe.  However Kaysie had already made it to third and when Austin got there he toppled right on top of her, Tim ran over to make sure she was okay and she looked up and said "Dad, I just broke my arm."  Well, Tim usually over reacts and assumes any injury needs medical attention, I wasn't aware of what Kaysie had told him so when he offered to take her to InstaCare I just said okay (not to mention, I really thought he was over reacting to the whole situation) so Austin, Shailyn and I waited at my parents for the phone to ring and when it finally did it was bad news.  Kaysie broke both her bones in her right arm, and not only were they broke but we needed to take her to Primary Children's to see an Orthopedic specialist to have her bone correctly set back into place.  I told Tim I would take her, so he brought me the Suburban and Kaysie and off we went.  Once we arrived, we had to go through the ER.  It was one of the most traumatizing doctor visits I can remember... Once they reviewed the X-rays, they gave Kaysie an I.V. so they could administer the sedation.  (Kaysie is absolutely horrified of needles, so this was not a fun process!) Then, they brought in a mobile X-ray machine, an orthopedic specialist, a respiratory specialist, the doctor and the nurse; then they gave Kaysie what they call a conscious sedation.  It was horrible!  The sedation was very mild but it had a memory blocker in it, so she could feel everything she just can't remember it!  I sat there and watched as my poor baby girl was screaming through all of the pain of having her arm set correctly in place, it was pure torture to have to witness that!  She was sedated about 20 - 30 minutes and when she came to sure enough she couldn't remember any of it (Thank Heavens!).  The nurse then offered her a variety of sugary drinks, and poor Kaysie looked at the nurse and told her she couldn't have any of those  because she is choosing a healthy lifestyle... The nurse was perplexed but explained she needed some sugar in her after being sedated so Kaysie was able to enjoy a cherry slushee.  After she finished that they brought her back in for more X-rays, and everything looked great!   Now we just have 8 weeks in a cast to look forward to, and then we can put another memorable holiday behind us.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much" ~Mother Teresa

Today we found out that Kaysie has pre-diabetes, or hyperinsulinism.  We are going in tomorrow for a full glucose tolerance test, a thyroid test and a liver test to find out the extent of what we are dealing with.  Fortunately, pre-diabetes can be overcome by making healthy life choices (Or a very strict diet, but Kaysie gets angry when I call it that).
Tonight we spent some time going through the food lists and deciphering what we will be eating from here on out.  To my surprise, school lunch is out!  Kaysie will be bringing a lunch from home the majority of the time because the items they serve at school are on the forbidden list!  (Honestly, I was shocked to find out that school lunch is SO unhealthy!) Afterwards Kaysie and I headed to the grocery store... 2 1/2 hours later we left with a carload of whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean meats.  Kaysie seems to be dealing with this okay, other than she is scared of what people will think when she has to eat her "special" food.  I am overwhelmed trying to take all of this in, and hope that we can be the support she needs to overcome this.  I am feeling a lot of pressure, knowing that this is the one chance I get to try to overcome what could end up effecting her the rest of her life.  Hopefully the tests go well in the morning, and I can figure out what to do with the ground turkey and turkey bacon that is now sitting in my fridge!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs!

As a tradition, we always dye Easter eggs the night before Easter.  
This year I thought it would be fun to get different dyes, so I bought the Golden Egg kit, and the Tie Dye kit. 
 I forget sometimes that Austin doesn't exactly agree with changes to traditions and he was not happy about this, so I ended up digging in my cupboard for some food coloring so we could do the traditional eggs as well.
Shailyn and Kaysie on the other hand were both happy to try out all of the dyes!

All the eggs turned out great, however these brilliant kits I bought were more time consuming than I anticipated.  You had to use a paint brush for the golden eggs, and the tie dye kit you had to mix each egg  individually in a little bag.  I think next year I will stick with the plain old egg dye but it was worth a shot.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Autism Gala

Every year Austin's school puts together an Autism Gala during the month of April for Autism Awareness.  The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students all came together to read poetry.  I was impressed with the job Austin did, way to go Austin!  
They also do a big auction for all kinds of  things that have been donated to help raise money for the school.  This year most of the classes also did art projects to sale at the auction.  
Austin drew this road runner!  It literally brought tears to my eyes just to see how far his fine motor skills have come since he started attending the Spectrum Academy.  I can't thank them enough for all they have done to help Austin!

Update on Shailyn

Well, today I took Shailyn into an Orthopedic specialist for her knee.  No broken bones, but there is the possiblity of ligament or cartlidge damage - not good, this could mean knee surgery.  The doctor is leaning more towards cartlidge damage as ligament damage is not very common in children.  The swelling is still so bad they can't do the proper exams so they are having us come back again in 2 weeks.  Hopefully all goes well.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Poor Shailyn is spending her 11th Birthday on crutches!  She woke up this morning complaining about how bad her arms hurt, what a rotten birthday gift!  

Shailyn has really grown up a lot this past year, she loves talking on the phone, and texting her friends.  she is extremely helpful around the house (the only exception is her bedroom), and is a joy to be around.  Tonight we took her to Red Lobster for dinner and of course she picked crab legs, her favorite food that she only gets once a year.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Accident...

Today, Shailyn went on a field trip to Classic Skating!  She was so excited, she  worked very hard at school this past month to earn this field trip.
After school my phone rang as it usually does, and I was excited to hear about how her field trip had gone. Unfortunately the first words out of her mouth were "Mom, I need a ride home."  I proceeded to tell her I was at work, and couldn't come to get her, that is when she started bawling.  I stopped mid-sentence and asked her what was wrong, turns out she had a horrible accident during the field trip and fell down the stairs in her rollerblades.  She couldn't put any weight on her left leg!  I called my Mom to see if she could run to the school and grab her (mainly because she lives much closer to the school than I work) and her response was, well I just started the washer and my dishwasher is running.  (Seriously?!) Then she proceeded to offer to call my Dad to see where he was at and ask if he could go grab her.  Luckily, he was able to, thank heavens for my Dad!  I left work immediately and headed to meet them, when I got there Shailyn's knee was about the size of a grapefruit!  So we were off to Insta-Care, and luckily nothing is broken!  However they asked we come back in a couple days so they could check her ligaments.

On the way to there I was questioning Shailyn what had happened.  Unbelievable, that is all I can say!

Shailyn's teacher had to help her get to the bus from the field trip, when they arrived at school another 5th grade teacher helped her into the office.  They gave her an ice pack and told her to sit down until she saw her class come down for lunch.  When she saw her class, another student came to help her get into the line.  Her friend Danielle helped her through the line, and got her food.  After they were done eating, Danielle helped her outside where they sat on the portable steps until the bell rang.  Then she helped Shailyn get up the stairs and to her seat.  Mrs. Laver, Shailyns Teacher asked Danielle to pass out Shailyn's birthday treats because she couldn't do it herself.  Then at the end of the day, Shailyn was dismissed to WALK home.

HELLO?!?  Did it occur to anybody that she couldn't walk?  or that her parents were completely in the dark about this?  I was so furious!  It is a good thing this happened right before spring break because I can only imagine the words that would have come out of my mouth had they been given the chance.

On another note, did you notice how colorful she looks?  We stopped by my house to grab her some sweats because the jeans she wore to school that day wouldn't be good for a doctor's exam.  I grabbed the first things I saw (yes, purple pants, green shoes, and an orange jacket!) all to go with her blue hair that she got at Classic Skating.  I didn't realize that I had just created such a hideous outfit (a little Punky Brewsterish).  Even the radiologist commented on what a rainbow of colors she was.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today, Kaysie turned 9 years old!  Wow, I can't beleive how fast time flies.  It seems like just yesterday Tim and I were bringing her home from the hospital.  

Kaysie chose to get her ears pierced for her birthday.  I can't help but smile every time I look at this picture, she is trying so hard to smile - but looks completely terrified!  She did great though, she only cried for about 20 seconds and then busted up laughing!  

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Puppies Update

Navy is finally letting us near her and the puppies, even letting us hold them sometimes!  We have 8 cute little Border Collies, 1 brown male, 2 gray males, 1 gray female, and 4 black ones... (not sure of their sexes yet).  The kids love having the puppies to keep them entertained, I just hope we have got through to them that they will all be leaving us soon.  Shailyn has adjusted to going to bed after the puppies are done whining, they don't seem to bother Austin at all, and Kaysie is just grateful when Navy lets her see them... I think Navy still blames Kaysie for her pregnancy - which I don't think I ever blogged about come to think about it... It happened when Navy was about 6 weeks pregnant and Kaysie was petting her, assumably one of the babies kicked her and she started growling at Kaysie.  She wouldn't let Kaysie near her the rest of the pregnancy.  (Which by the way has caused my daughter to become an emotional roller coaster which has made this whole event that much more stressful!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Last night Navy finally had her puppies!  8 healthy little ones... They are all so cute and tiny but she won't let any of us near them (Or her for that matter).  After the first one was born (above) she seemed to be okay with Tim in the room but then when the second one started coming she wasn't having an audience.  She growled at all of us when we would try to peek in at her progress.  I am just grateful they are all healthy and Mom's doing alright!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hi Ho... Hi Ho... It's back to work I go...

Monday I started a new job for A&T Plumbing as their Office Manager. Boy has it been strange! I got to work on Monday and the owner Andre explains to me that he has no idea what the person does that sits behind my desk and hands me a stack of paperwork that needs to be done. He proceeds to leave my office and head upstairs. Good thing I didn't exaggerate in my interview! Luckily I was able to figure out their process pretty quickly and as of 4:00 today I have accomplished the last 2 months worth of work. I am not sure whether this is a good or a bad thing... I am hoping there is more to my job than I am seeing although I highly doubt it. I honestly can't see how this can remain a full time job, but I will remain hopeful until I get my head around all of it. The worst thing about going back to work has definitely been my schedule, in order to accommodate Austin's carpool I requested to start work at 9:30. Well, I didn't really do the math beforehand and now I don't get out of work until 6:00! I still have to get up by 6:30 to get the kids off to school so there is no sleeping in benefit either. I am hoping to adjust to this new craziness in the next couple of weeks and somehow find more fun time to spend with my kids! I miss them like crazy and this week has been very hard on all of us, hopefully we will all adjust and it will soon seem normal again.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Austin's school in the news!

What an amazing article I came across today on Austin's school, and to make it even better ~ Austin is in the picture!

New help for Autism By Elizabeth Stuart

Deseret News
Published: Monday, Dec. 28, 2009 9:32 p.m. MST
Pretty soon, Dani Hartog won't have to worry.  She won't have to leave her car idling in the parking lot at Northridge High to drag her 15-year-old son, kicking and screaming, to his classroom. She won't get a tight feeling in her chest whenever the phone rings, wondering if the principal is calling to say the boy, who has autism, is missing again. She won't panic as she rushes from work to her home in South Weber, worried the teenager won't be safe in his usual hideout under the back porch.  Because, pretty soon, Utah will have a public high school specifically designed to address the educational and social needs of children with autism and Asperger syndrome.  "I was so elated when I heard the news, I literally jumped up and down," Hartog said. "The difference between specialized and mainstream education is night and day for my kid." Spectrum Academy, a three-year-old charter school that serves autistic children grades kindergarten through 8th, recently broke ground on a 32,300-square-foot, $5.5 million high school in North Salt Lake. Ninth and 10th grades will be available starting next fall; 11th and 12th grades will follow in 2011 and 2012.
Although one in every 133 Utah children has autism, according to a 2007 report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Spectrum Academy is the only public school of its kind in the state. The high school will be the first in Utah — private or public — to cater to children with autism.

Such specialization runs counter to a federal and state push over the last decade to give children with learning disabilities equal access to a mainstream public education. All Utah public schools, in compliance with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, offer special education courses but place autistic children in traditional classrooms as frequently as possible.
"Under the current legislation, the presumption is you are going to put a child in a general environment and only add restrictions when it's absolutely necessary," said Richard Robison, executive director of The Federation for Children with Special Needs, a national nonprofit that promotes parental advocacy. "We want our children treated like every other child. We want them to be able to participate in the life of the school. We want them to be safe. We want them to have the appropriate aids and supports in place to help them learn and progress."
Nonetheless, most experts agree that children with autism, who vary in their levels of social, communicative and behavioral impairment, need individualized instruction, whether it be at a traditional school or a specialized school.
Tom Higbee, a professor of special education at Utah State University and one of the nation's foremost autism researchers, called such intervention "critical" to a child's success.

"They just have different learning styles," Higbee said. "It is difficult for children with autism to learn by observation, which is a teaching method a lot of public schools are built around. There's no prototype of a person with autism, so, to be effective, teaching needs to be pretty customized."
With small class sizes and a full staff of teachers certified in special education, a custom education is exactly what Spectrum Academy hopes to provide for autistic teens. There's a teacher's aid in every classroom and full-time occupational and speech therapists, too.
To afford all the extra amenities, the school augments its allotment of state education dollars with some $250,000 a year in private donations,
"The truth is, a lot of children just don't thrive in a traditional school environment," said Jaime Christensen, principal of Spectrum Academy. "For some kids, 'different' is just what they need in order to learn."
Spectrum is, by public school standards, a bit unconventional. Christensen calls the anomalies "tools to help the children excel."
The high school will offer vocational training as well as traditional and special education diplomas. Students on a college track can take concurrent enrollment classes.

Spectrum Academy's curriculum is tailored for the autistic mind and children are divided into grade levels, not by age, but by ability.
"We have high expectations for our kids, but we give them the help they need to rise to those expectations," Christensen said.
Toys are OK as long as students fiddle under their desks and keep their eyes on the teacher. Sitting up straight is optional; students kneel on chairs, slouch down, twist, twirl and kick. Some children trade traditional seats for big, bouncy exercise balls.
"I'm not worrying about that stuff, no way," Christensen said. "If they're doing their work, I'm happy. A lot of times being able to fiddle or wiggle is all these kids need to be able to concentrate."
The hallways are plastered with posters reminding children to "think about other's feelings" and adjust their behavior appropriately. Children, many of whom struggle to connect to peers, get a minimum of 30 minutes of social training a day.
The curriculum works for Kristofer Randall, 12, a seventh grader at Spectrum.
"I don't get stressed out as much at this school," he said. "If things seem loud to me and I get a headache, the teacher lets me take a short break so I can come back and pay attention better."
He's even involved in extracurricular activities. He's a class officer.
"I have lots of friends here and nobody makes fun of me," Randall said. "I'm excited to stay here for high school."
Hartog's son Kolby is pretty pumped about Spectrum, too.
"I hate this school," he tells his mother about Northridge, usually after an hourlong battle to get the boy dressed and on his way. "I hate that I can't do what the other kids do. I hate that everyone treats me different."
For her part, Hartog doesn't even care that she has to send Kolby through 10th grade twice in order to make the move.
"He just doesn't learn the same way everyone else does," she said. "I just want him to get an education and learn how to function in society."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend Fun!

This year we are trying to do something every weekend with the entire family. 
Yesterday we chose to go to dinner at Buca Di Beppo, and it was fabulous!  We were able to enjoy each others company and eat a great meal together.  (By the way, their antipasta salad is delicious!) 
After dinner, Tim had plans to go to SnoCross with his brothers.  Don and Wendy's family came down and stayed the night with us.  After Lynn picked up Tim and Don, Wendy and I decided we would have a date with the kids.  We took them all to go see The Blindside, which was a great movie.  All in all we had a really good day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

ThE PaRtY oF ThE yEaR...

Danielle and Shailyn
Today Shailyn attended a birthday party for her friend Michelle.  She came home from school with her friend Danielle and they were so excited for "the party of the year".  They tried on numerous outfits, and then put make-up on... (Let me just say now, she is only 10!!).  I had to laugh as I watched how excited they were for this birthday party. (The smile on Shailyn's face says it all in the picture above).  In the end, I made them wash all the make-up off and took them to the party.  When I picked them up, they were both so dissappointed... Apparently all the hype about the party didn't happen and mainly Michelle's family was there with only a few friends.
After seeing all of this, I fear I am in BIG trouble in the years to come... She is already acting as if she were a teenager and I can't imagine what she will be like in a few years!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ice Skating!

What a blast we had today! Kaysie has been begging us to take her ice skating.  Tim and I haven't been in about 10 years so we weren't exactly looking forward to it. Today we finally took them!
Shailyn picked up on skating pretty quick, she only fell a few times!

I took this picture of Kaysie just as she stepped onto the ice.  She took a little longer to get the hang of it but by the end she was skating too!

Austin, on the other hand, spent more time falling than any of us.  He is probably going to go back to school tomorrow covered in bruises!  He was a good sport and tried it for about a half hour before crawling (yes, actually crawling) off the ice and calling it quits.

Tim and I really enjoyed watching the kids experience something totally new today! Thanks to Tim's boss Aaron for giving him a Visa card for Christmas that we decided to use on family activities.